2012 Stanley Cup Anti-Preview (Part 3): The Re-Return

Here we are at the third preview of this year’s Stanley Cup Playoffs. Unless you put in the time to watch the Phoenix-Nashville series then the second round has been packed with good hockey and some excellent sports drama. If you were among those masochists or Coyotes fans that watched the less loved Western semifinal then you were witness to a lot of disappointment and brouhaha about a couple of Eastern Europeans who may or may not have or have not done something that is or is not really not or extremely disrespectful towards the Nashville Predators’ team rules. Unsurprisingly I pretty much did terrible with my predictions, thereby totally disproving the efficacy of mysticism as a serious element of sports journalism. I’ve never let more choices stop be in the past, so let’s go ahead and move on to the next round of previews and predictions!