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Entries in Stanley Cup playoffs (12)


2012 Stanley Cup Anti-Preview (Part 3): The Re-Return

Here we are at the third preview of this year’s Stanley Cup Playoffs. Unless you put in the time to watch the Phoenix-Nashville series then the second round has been packed with good hockey and some excellent sports drama. If you were among those masochists or Coyotes fans that watched the less loved Western semifinal then you were witness to a lot of disappointment and brouhaha about a couple of Eastern Europeans who may or may not have or have not done something that is or is not really not or extremely disrespectful towards the Nashville Predators’ team rules. Unsurprisingly I pretty much did terrible with my predictions, thereby totally disproving the efficacy of mysticism as a serious element of sports journalism. I’ve never let more choices stop be in the past, so let’s go ahead and move on to the next round of previews and predictions!

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A distant relative of the trollface?!?!?

Kylewilliam is back for another round of the the podcast. A big week for punk news as the world was introduced to Laura Jane Grace, we discuss this major events' potential impact on the subculture and the reactions. Then, back to hockey as the second round is wrapping up, we discuss the "announcement" of "potential" "new" "ownership" for the "Phoenix" Coyotes, KW makes some cheesy jokes, and we break down all the second round playoff series.

Against Me's Laura Jane Grace-Interview at Rolling Stone

-GLAAD's story

-Punknews compiled some reactions from bands and other people, as well as posted links to resources and support groups for the transgender community.

We didnt play this song this week, but feels somewhat relevant


-HOWL! The Coyotes are getting a new owner, uhhhhh, we think.

-From NHL.com, some highlights of the playoffs so far.


Music Featured This Week:

-(Intro. this week) Ode to... by Beastie Boys

-The Ocean by Against Me

-This Song Will Not Save Your Life by Alpinist

-Kicking by Torche

-Razorblades by American Steel

Oh, and this is that douchebag David Menzies that Kylewilliam is referring to.


...Yo F.O., call us! We want to be in the Farmersonly.com business


Episode 84: That Happened

This week Jer and Kylewilliam come on the show...and well, it got weird. All we can promise in this one is that hockey is talked about at length, there is a lot of random topic switching and that we had fun putting it together.


New York v. Washington

Philadelphia v. New Jersey

St. Louis v. Los Angeles

Phoenix v. Nashville

Songs Featured In This Episode:

The intro was, Breath of the Black Muse by Zao

Stagger Lee by Modern Life Is War

Croatia by Underminded

Roof Beers by The Measure [sa]

Home Away From Here by Touche Amore


2012 Stanley Cup Anti-Preview (Round 2)

After weeks of overtime, blundering, and generally mediocre play the Eastern Conference finally managed to wrap up the first round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. As far as my predictions go I did much better in the East as I my assumption that medioctiry would be the key to victory as we saw Washington, New Jersey and the Flyers all advance despite a total lack of ability to play vital aspects of the game. I got my Ottawa prediction wrong, but I’m not all that broken up about it. The Western conference showed some real spirit as the Canucks managed to put up as strong an effort as a pumpkin getting kicked in the face by a teenager. The coin flip that landed me on the Sharks failed to take into account that the Sharks are old and the Blues players still haven’t realized that they are doomed to failure. Chicago and Phoenix played hockey often on the same sheet of ice and they continued to do so until one of the teams won. This is the way of things. Finally, despite Nashville’s victory of the Red Wings in five games, true victory was in the hands of the Detroit fans as they held the moral high ground. The fans maintain that the team defeated itself since Nashville doesn’t deserve a team and therefore any of the Southern team’s victories “don’t count.” And now on to Round 2

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Madness on the ice of London, er, Philadelphia, um, New York. It's been an interesting first round to say the least, so we brought Hockeybuzz writer(about the Bruins) and twitter curator Ty Anderson on help us break down all the insanity. No punk news this week because, well, it's the playoffs.

(Note: We recorded this before any of the series' had ended.)

Aaron Asham-4 game suspension

James Neal-1 game suspension

Torres vs. Hossa's face

Backstrom-1 game suspension

Music Featured This Week:

Can We Pretend by Break Anchor

Keep On Walking by CAMPAIGN

Lawless Godless Shameless by Elle

A Credit To His Gender by Good Riddance

Father by Make Do And Mend

Warm Blood Rush by Defeater