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Entries in Stanley Cup playoffs (12)


Episode 81: Pancakes For Everyone!

As Peter returns after a week off, the show shifts to its playoff format. We're joined by Steve Gunn and Mr. Fancy as we talk about the first round playoff series.

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2012 Stanley Cup Anti-Preview (Part 1)

It can't come as much of surprise that a year later we find ourselves once again poised on the mind searing edge of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. By now you've probably read about half a dozen different Playoff prediction blogs and articles. Guess what, all of them are terrible and we both know it. Oh, the Penguins have a good offense? How about the fact that some people question the quality of Florida's goal tending and think the Kings lack scoring depth. This is the season when pundits and bloggers like to act like pre-Lutheran clergy issuing wafers of knowledge that they invite you to dip in their mind salsa. In response to their actions I offer my completely and utterly useless playoff previews.

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