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Entries in Hockey News (2)


Dallas and Carolina Get New Uniforms

If you follow me on twitter (@ThatShaneBua), you've by now probably realized that I'm a bit of a uniform nerd. It's probably why I'm such a hockey fan. If I had the money to assemble a closet full of my favorite all-time sweaters, it'd be a rather large collection (next target: one of the Mighty Ducks' late-90s jade alts). That said, both the Dallas Stars and the Carolina Hurricanes have released their newest uniforms earlier this week, and I'm here to guide you through what you'll be seeing on the ice this fall.

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Ding Dong Torts Is Gone!

What an exciting day it is to be a New York Rangers fan.  Finally, they are free of John Tortorella!   

Hockey media rejoices at this announcement! 
Finally some information about the Rangers post game will be released!  
Questions will be met with answers!  
Team morale will skyrocket!
Goals will happen! 
PP skills will be developed!

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