Red Bull Sound Select Invades Brooklyn & Cait Tries To Play It Cool

Now, I could spend the next few hundred words extolling the brilliance that is the Bouncing Souls and Brian Fallon, but after attending my second Red Bull Sound Select show and counting up how many pixels I’ve devoted to these men, I figured I should really focus on the whole night.
For those of you who don’t know what Red Bull Sound Select is, holy cow you are missing out! Once a month, all across the country (11 cities to be exact) Red Bull gets together with well known artists and puts together a showcase featuring the artist and local bands hand selected by said artist. So basically, if you dig Brian Fallon’s taste in music, well then you should attend shows curated by them. I highly suggest you check out the site to see if Red Bull Sound Select is putting on a show in your area.
For this show, the headliners were Brian Fallon and The Bouncing Souls *swoon* with the openers selected by Brian Fallon and Brooklyn Vegan. While at the show, I assumed Brian Fallon and a grocery store catering to vegans had put together this show. But you know what happens when you assume, you end up terribly disappointed that you can’t get carrots.