Red Bull Sound Select Invades Brooklyn & Cait Tries To Play It Cool

Now, I could spend the next few hundred words extolling the brilliance that is the Bouncing Souls and Brian Fallon, but after attending my second Red Bull Sound Select show and counting up how many pixels I’ve devoted to these men, I figured I should really focus on the whole night.
For those of you who don’t know what Red Bull Sound Select is, holy cow you are missing out! Once a month, all across the country (11 cities to be exact) Red Bull gets together with well known artists and puts together a showcase featuring the artist and local bands hand selected by said artist. So basically, if you dig Brian Fallon’s taste in music, well then you should attend shows curated by them. I highly suggest you check out the site to see if Red Bull Sound Select is putting on a show in your area.
For this show, the headliners were Brian Fallon and The Bouncing Souls *swoon* with the openers selected by Brian Fallon and Brooklyn Vegan. While at the show, I assumed Brian Fallon and a grocery store catering to vegans had put together this show. But you know what happens when you assume, you end up terribly disappointed that you can’t get carrots. Brooklyn Vegan is a music/photo comedy blog that started with a Brooklyn-based vegan that has spread to Chicago and Austin and many more contributors. Really just a wide reaching site. I strongly suggest you check them out too.
But I digress.
I had never traveled to Brooklyn, I mean what’s out there for me? I’m not a fan of American Apparel and there’s no hockey out there (yet). But after getting (slightly) lost in the subway, I emerged to this weirdly peaceful corner of the loudest city I’ve ever been. AND EVERY CLICHE ABOUT WILLIAMSBURG IS TOTALLY TRUE! I didn’t even go three blocks before finding that massive warehouse of American Apparel, six fixies, two guys in knit caps despite it being 74 degrees, and 8 microbreweries. Cool on you hipsters for living up to your hype.
Standing outside on the sidewalk with my friends, I would have never guessed this Monday night show the walls of Music Hall of Williamsburg would swell to fit almost 500 people. Much like every venue I’ve ever been too, the PBR was flowing and the kids were chatting. I thought I was playing it safe, wearing a Patrick Kane shirtsey to Brooklyn, but sure enough, I had one girl high fiving me all night for the Blackhawks and another one reprimand me for liking the Chiefs.
Before the show could really get started, we were graced with the presence of an MC. Who, well, wanted to rep his Jersey pride but really just needed to shut up and get off the stage so Aye Nako could get going.
Aye Nako, what a sight. What a name. What the hell is going on?
Four 20somethings take the stage and proceed to play the music you’d expect to soundtrack an episode of Girls. The whole thing was such a disappointment. The quartet took the stage looking like a variation of Hellogoodbye (bubble gum pink, cat tee shirt, mom shorts), nerdy quirky but there to entertain for 40 minutes. And then the distortion of the guitars started. And the vocals began, words were said, but what was being said? I have no idea. The highlight of their set? The guitarist in her knit cap showing the most amount of enthusiasm of the night, just bouncing about and behind so solidly pumped that she was performing at the Music Hall. Honestly, these guys aren’t my thing, but they have an awesome attitude when it comes to being labeled “queercore” and “homopop”. THEY. OWN. IT. My preference is more Pansy Division than Aye Nako but maybe you’d dig em?
One set change and one terrible intro by the MC (I’m only guessing on the intro, I chose to stay away until the band took the stage) the second band took the stage, Nude Beach.
A trio from Long Island that couldn’t be any more different than Aye Nako. Well that’s not true, but they were very different. When the three guys of Nude Beach first took the stage, it looked like Mick Jagger and Bob Ross had a baby that started a band. That sounded something like The Menzingers with a twinge of surf rock? It was all very strange. Very captivating. At one point I thought I was watching a punk incarnation of The Strokes. Yeah, I know my reference are all across the board, but these guys were different. These guys were exactly what I needed after the confusing sounds of Aye Nako. I think you should check them out and dig them too.
After an impressive set, well I went all fangirl and didn’t take notes but my observations:
- I know it’s not a Gaslight Anthem show, but seriously guys, what about the whole “don’t wear the band you’re seeing’s merch” rule? PICK SOMETHING ELSE PLEASE!
- I pretty much feel the same way about wearing Doc Martens to Bouncing Souls shows. Really??
- Soul's new drummer? Yes please!
- No matter how dark the corner is and no matter how black your clothes are, we can still see you making out hardcore over there guys.
- Please keep your hands to yourself.
- When in doubt, high five everyone you meet.
Needless to say, I’m psyched for the next Red Bull Sound Select show. Here’s hoping you’re there with me!
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