There seems to be this crazy insane trend going around lately that is really disrespectful, and no I’m not talking about Daniel Tosh’s comments the other night or the fact that ESPN is forcing sports fans to gaze at Brad Richards in the buff. No, I’m talking about something way more personal to the sport of hockey.
I’ve always been taught to live with respect and that there are certain things that are bigger than me and my grasp of the world. And I know I’m not the only one that’s been taught to live like this. Every time you watch a player (or fan) refuse to let their sweater touch the ground, the rituals that go into folding them up, the painstaking steps players take to avoid the team logo on the locker room floor, and every other quirk/ritual the players have when it comes to their team, their gear, and the cache that comes with all of the above, you witness that respect and have the understanding that the history. The players get how much bigger the history of hockey is than them. Players might be a part of it, they may help shape the fate of the team, but at the end of the day, they are just a small part of that history.
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