Victorious! Chris Dos Wins The 2012 Excellence in Punk Rock and Hockey Award

The votes have been tallied and the results are in. If you are a regular listener of the podcast, you are well aware that Chris #2 of Anti-Flag has won the 2nd annual Up The Pucks Excellence in Punk Rock and Hockey Award.
This year with the award sort of advancing from a bit of a joke to more of a legitimate thing (we had actual nominees and everything!), Chris Dos won this going away.
Chris won this award on the merit of what he's done for this community over the years and especially what he's done this year. A former travel hockey player, Chris picked the game back up after a priority shift when he joined Anti-Flag. The lifelong hockey fan, he spent this year's Warped Tour rounding up likeminded individuals in other bands and sharing the mutual passion for the sport.
Over the few months on the Warped Tour, Chris and others found themselves crashing Henrik Lundqvist's NHL Awards party, playing street hockey on amphitheater stages and playing drop-in hockey games at various rinks around the country. These efforts led some in bands to get more in touch with their hockey roots and encouraged them to pick up the sport again.
Chris' efforts have helped grow the hockey community within the punk community and for his efforts he receives this award.
Congratulations to Chris Dos and a special thank you to the other nominees for their continued efforts to help grow this community.