Errors and Corrections: Fashion Police

Sometimes, as a guy with no formal writing experience, you rush into an article without doing the appropriate amount of research, or say something really dumb. I'm awesome at that. My piece about new jerseys in the NHL is so full of errors and bad judgement that I felt a whole secondary post may be needed to fix this.
So let's start with the New York Islanders. I insinuated that the Isles were not wearing a third jersey for the upcoming season, and that anyone owning the old one should set fire to their house and car. That was an incorrect statement, and I apologize for that.
The Isles do have a third jersey lined up for next year. This one doesn't even suck that much:
Photo: New York Islanders
Yup, the Stadium Series jersey is back as a full time alternate. Call me crazy, but I liked these. The chromed out logo and the weird lace-up collar, not so much, but as far as that template goes I think the Isles made the most of it.
Los Angeles (throwback):
This is something I forgot entirely. I'm not sure how or why I skipped over this one. For the past few years, the Kings have been doing "Legends Night" several times a season, and wearing these throwbacks:
Photo: Los Angeles KingsThese purple, erm, (you're kidding, right?)...uh, Forum Blue unis date back to the Kings' entrance into the NHL in 1967, and were worn until 1980.
This season, LA is switching it up and wearing the gold version of the above uniform.
Arizona (alternate):
I got the shoulder patch and the throwback night facts correct. What I forgot to mention was that last season's black alternate jersey has been eliminated. It wasn't great to begin with, so you won't be missing that much.
Washington (patch):
The Capitals are celebrating their 40th anniversary this season, and will be wearing this logo as a patch on the home and away jerseys:
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