A Different Look At New Arenas

It's been a sad few years for hockey fans. Slowly the old barns have been transforming into these monolithic, pristine white multi purpose venues where the hoity toitiest of performers will come and off set the craziest costs. I don't know about you, but when I think of watching hockey live, my mind wanders to sticky cement floors, cinderblock walls painted brown or maybe tan or pink? And seats that have clutch marks in their armrests from years of panicked fans. I'm someone that feels at home in that "lived in" feeling (mind you, I'm talking about "lived in" not "we should go get vaccinated after this" filth).
There's no question, the game of hockey is changing, but the change off the ice seems to be ignored. Many say it's to bring in the corporate accounts, but after hanging out in the newly completed MSG, I call shenanigans. Planners and architects and builders are looking to attract a completely untapped market for hockey fandom: