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Entries in Shane Tries To Hockey (3)


Shane Tries To Hockey - Part 3

Yesterday was definitely not my day. The rink schedule listed a Learn To Play session for 6:30. One of my friends went to Learn To Play last week, and noted there was very skating focused. That's exactly what I need! I'd been feeling pretty down on myself all day, and was looking forward to this.

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Shane Tries To Hockey - Part 2

I'm a nervous person. I definitely have anxiety issues. What was freaking me out was some shipping issues with my helmet, which finally arrived on Wednesday afternoon.

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Shane Tries To Hockey - Part 1

Hockey players are in phenominal shape. They're practicing and working out constantly when they're not playing. Take a look at the last few ESPN Magazine body issues and tell me Tyler Seguin and Hilary Knight aren't completely ripped. On the other hand, you have me.

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