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Entries in new found glory (2)


Album Review: All The Ways You Let Me Down by Candy Hearts

It feels like the promotion around the new Candy Hearts album has been non-stop. Maybe it’s just me but the articles, interviews, and profiles seem endless. That is all going to end because the album is actually going to drop on June 10th. Sitting down with the album I was a little concerned because I’ve not enjoyed a second of the first single and leading track “I Miss You.” It might as well have been a different band with nigh absurd radio hooks that felt like they were ripped from a New Found Glory b-side...

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UTP Reviews: The Best Ways To Disappear by Candy Hearts

I can't remember the last time that I actually wrote a review. With that understanding I picked an EP to help me ease back into the swing of things. As the NHL lockout continues to stretch on and as Nashville continues to be devoid of anything to bridge high school and NHL hockey I needed a pick-me-up. Conviently Candy Hearts released a new EP today.
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