Dear Brian Burke,

Please don't sue the internet. We get it. The trolls are making up crap and you don't like it but in the grand scheme of things, do you think the rest of us really believe a someone named "Kanada Kev" or "Sir Psycho Sexy"?
I mean, if you going to go after anyone on the internet, why not make it those who drive others to suicide or self hurt? Hockey rumors are pretty much par for the course on message boards and blogs and 90% of us take them with a grain of salt. If MLSE was releasing this information, I'd understand you anguish, but you of all people should understand that the internet is nothing but a bunch of hot air.
It stinks, I get it. But focus on You Can Play. Make that your legacy and not the attempt to sue the internet. Let us all appreciate your work post-Maple Leafs, not point and laugh at you.
We'll all forget about the Hazel Mae rumors and the Luogno drama far predates your involvement, just let it go. Move on and go make the NHL the most welcoming professional sport out there.
All the best,
Cait Monster
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