#StayNegi: Who Named These Teams? Seriously

As I sit here and wait for the start of the games tonight, I can't help but think WTH when looking at team names. Have you sat down and really thought about them lately? They are either really weird or so dumb I can't handle it. Take a look at some of them with me.
- Nashville Predators- Ummmm so your team is a bunch of creepers? Or are you guys going to join together like the Transformers and take on Alien in the 376th sequel?
- LA Kings- Rockin the royalty title in a democratic society? Who's your affiliate? The Santa Barbara Czars? Portland Kaisers?
- New York Islanders- I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were being literal when naming the team. Shouldn't they be the Florida Peninsulas if that's how we are doing it?
- Toronto Maple Leafs- I'm surprised you haven't petitioned to change the name to "Toronto Center of the Universe" yet
- Washington Capitals- You're just like the Islanders, couldn't get any more creative, eh?
- New York Rangers- Your colors scream Americana, but your namesake are the ones who killed the original Americans, contradictory much? Or are you more like the forest rangers? I don't remember seeing a forest in NYC in the three centuries though...
- Detroit Red Wings- Why don't people crack more dirty jokes about your name?
- Anaheim Ducks- You shed the Disney ownership, why didn't you cash in and change your name completely? There's nothing intense about a duck on skates.
- Vancouver Canucks- Why use slang for Canadians and then have a whale as your mascot? This is perplexing. And dumb. Just like your fans.
- Calgary Flames- Why? At least the Edmonton Oilers were smart and evoked the image of Alberta. All you guys do is remind people how flammable oil is.
- Pittsburgh Penguins- Penguins are birds dressed up in tuxedos. Tuxedos are classy. Matt Cooke, and really anyone else on that team, is anything but classy. Stop kidding everyone.
- New Jersey Devils- Like 4 people outside of NJ know of the Devil in the Pine Barrens, could you update the name to something more current? Like the New Jersey Boardwalk Skanks or New Jersey Fist Pump?
But really, these are some of the dumbest names in the NHL, I can't believe the league is turning 100 in 5 seasons and they are still some of the dumbest names in sports. If you move or expand, think before naming the team, kthanks
#StayNegi my friends
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