UTP Reviews: Streetlight Manifesto's The Hands That Thieve

In order to prevent Cait from hunting me down and smothering me with a pillow in my sleep I will now proceed to write a review of The Hands That Thieve by Streetlight Manifesto.
The big reason that I haven’t written a review yet, besides being lazy, is that I really like to take my time with Streetlight Manifesto albums. Or album if you’re counting the ones that has been released since I started to write reviews. I wasn’t enthusiastic about Somewhere In The Between when it first came out, and it was not until a couple months later that I understood how good of an album it was. Things were quite different with The Hands That Thieve (THTT). From the first listen I was getting into nearly every track on the album. Time will tell, but this newest release may emerge as my overall favorite Streetlight album.