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Entries in interview (2)


UTP Interviews Jason Navarro of Break Anchor

Oh hey, this was exciting. Pretty recently Mr. Brandon asked me if I wanted a promo of the new Break Anchor 7". I of course wanted it because it exists. He also asked if I wanted to do an e-mail interview with Jay Navarro of Break Anchor and formerly over The Suicide Machines and currently of Hellmouth. Its quick, dirty, and I only get embarassed once. If I should be embarassed more than once just don't tell me.

Photograph by Luke Hartley

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Looking back at 20 years with LTJ


I was recently given the opportunity to ask my favorite band of all time Less Than Jake a few questions. This being their 20th year of existence, and given the fact, that they are about to launch a national 20 year anniversary tour (and quietly released a new EP today), I figured it would be a great time to look at how the band has changed over the course of their career and their lives. I spoke with JR specifically.

Here's what he had to say about LTJ's past, present, and future:


UTP: What recording sessions, shows, or road trip moments stand out as some of the best of your career whether it be a phenomenal show, a particularly difficult to record song, etc.?

JR: The best show of our career in my eyes was Reading Festival in 2006. It was the third time we played the main stage, and we had no less than 20 circle pits going on in the crowd. We played right before Slayer, and Kerry King was watching and (seemingly) digging it.

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