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Entries in Broad Street Buzz (1)


EPISODE 77: I'm Skipping Up To Boston



Nope, not Boston this week, this one's all about Philadelphia. Our guest this week is Kevin, from BroadStreetBuzz.com & WhatThePuckingPuck.com

Pete laments the coming retirement of Sean Avery.  Then we discuss the always-successful method the Boston Police Department has taken up to curb moshing. We go on to debate the possible icing changes, the state of the Flyers as we hit the home stretch before the playoffs, and sooooo much more. Join us, wont you?

Flyers blogs:

-Broad Street Buzz

-Down Goes Spezza(done by past guest Matt)

-Broad Street Hockey

-Flyers Faithful

Music Featured This Week:

-It All Happened In A Ford Windstar by The Holy Mess(The intro was theirs as well)

-My Life As A Pigeon by The Wonder Years

-Salem by Paint It Black

-Jane by The Loved Ones(& this is a link to the 7" series Dave Hause will be doing)

-Punk Rock Girl by The Dead Milkmen