Come One, Come All To The Sweatiest Canadian Gala! Ever.

Today, the internet got it’s underwear in a bunch when the news was released that the Arcade Fire was requesting their concert goers to dress in formal attire or costumes. And while the Arcade Fire is not punk, the CBC did use their single Reflektor a few weeks ago in their opening montage:
This sextet from Montreal has on their Ticketmaster page:
Two Things:
1.) When the band in question is described as “baroque pop” and “art rock” can you really be surprised this is a request? There’s a level of theatrics to their music and their live shows, at some point you know they are going to want to push the boundaries and head some place more creative than what’s contained up on the stage. If you’re a fan of this band, fan enough to pay the $40-$80 it is to see them live, there’s a good chance you’re looking to attend this sort of event.
The commenters on Spin’s post about this make the most sense:
Look, if the Bouncing Souls announced tomorrow that for their Home For The Holidays shows, ugly sweaters were encouraged, I’d consider showing up in one. Or if the Gaslight Anthem wanted all attendances to wear a soccer jersey, I might hesitate but these are my bands. These are the things I’ve grown to expect being their fan.
2.) If this trend is going to continue can we all agree that this is no longer a concert but a performance art piece? This goes far beyond the live experience, requires thought, planning, and participation. I don’t know about you, but a gown isn’t just hanging in my closet. This goes beyond the request to wear all white like the LCD Soundsystem's show Spin references, this requires an investment. Going all fancy pants isn’t exactly cheap, your standard slutty referee/wizard/internet meme costume isn’t what the Arcade Fire means with this notice. Think Shakespearean, think cotillion, steampunk, and hopefully, you’ll be thinking breathable because when the Arcade Fire swings by the Barclay’s Center in August, it’s going to be hot. Humid. Disgusting. And brocaded velvet does not breathe.
If you find yourself wanting to trash the Arcade Fire, stop and go see a different show and let the kids have their sweaty costumed fun.
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