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Chicago Blackhawks Are Your 2013 Playoff Berth Winners (1 of 16 Winners That Is)

News of the day that surprises absolutely no one but the Pittsburgh Penguins, the Chicago Blackhawks have clinched the first playoff berth of the 2013 NHL season.  

Sure, the Blackhawks game started 30 minutes before the Devils game (who needed to not win for the Penguins to clinch) but it fills my heart with joy to go "HA! YOU'RE IN SECOND" over something that doesn't really matter.  Much like many Penguins fans do.  

I mean really, watching the last 5 minutes of the Center Ice coverage was all these celebrations of the Blackhawks winning at life and I sat there going, "uh, duh?  How much of a joke would the organization be if they didn't secure a playoff berth first?"  

Sure, the entitled Penguins assume things like winning will come to them, but even I'm old enough to remember the failure years.  There's no expectation from the Blackhawk players (I can't speak for the fans), so it's a bit easier to stomach their success.  

Can you expect anything more from a bitter Flames fan?  The Penguins have my captain.  A team that I can't even root for has my captain and is going to the playoffs.  

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    Chicago Blackhawks Are Your 2013 Playoff Berth Winners (1 of 16 Winners That Is) - Punk Rock and Hockey Podcast - Up The Pucks
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    Very good Website, Maintain the great job. With thanks!

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