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Mixtapes Brings Tour To East Coast With New Music

Earlier on their site today, Mixtapes, the pop punk band from Cincinnati, Ohio (frequently featured on the podcast) announced a few things.It's really awesome to see the band setting out on tour and new music slated to be released too. 

For starters, there's a whole slew of new tour dates for the east coast headed to look forward to.  If you're in the PA/OH/Baltimore area, Mixtapes is headed your way.  For specifics, I suggest heading over to their site to see if they are coming to a venue near you. 

Also on The Dying Scene, it was announced that Mixtapes will be releasing their EP, “Somewhere In Trinsic” on No Sleep Records/Animal Style Records on May 8th and then a new full length album on June 26th (on the same label).  The full length is called "Even On The Worst Nights".

Check back for more news on the EP and album as they are released, mixtapes is a favorite of the site and will be reviewed. 

Release the Woves.

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